by Markella Giannakopoulos, co editor in chief
Dressing up as their favorite characters from books,movies, and whatever fueled this day of Spirit Week. Students from all grades came together to be characters in Character Tuesday on January 13, 2015.
“I was Shaggy from Scooby-Doo. I was watching the show that morning and I decided to wear that outfit because it was simple,” sophomore Pedro Maldonado said.
There were military characters, Harry Potter figures, Pippi Longstocking, and rappers. Everyone dug deep into their drawers to find the perfect outfit that would identify them as their chosen person. A few non-human characters showed up as well.
“I was Cher from Clueless because it was one of my favorite movies. A lot of people dressed up and participated. They all dressed very well,” sophomore Briana Pistone said.
Participation of Character Day was astounding for all those involved. The event was a success and students had a fun time being who they’ve always wanted to be.
Conor Finley • Jan 15, 2015 at 7:16 pm
I liked the day, it was just that a lot of people just decided to just put on jeans and a character logo shirt and call it “dress-up”. I was Trevor Philips BTW.