by Kay Kim, editor in chief
Women received a boost in STEM, short for science, technology, engineering, and math.
Two laws were signed by President Donald J. Trump on Tuesday, February 28th, promoting women and girls to pursue careers in STEM. The first law, the INSPIRE (Inspiring the Next Space Pioneers, Innovators, Researchers, and Explorers) Women Act, was introduced by Rep. Barbara Comstock.
It authorizes NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) to advance interest in STEM to girls and women. Over the next three months, NASA will present two congressional committees to accomplish the mission of the bill.
Promoting Women in Entrepreneurship Act, the second act, has a similar mission. Proposed by Rep. Elizabeth Esty, the bill directs the National Science Foundation to support science-related entrepreneurship programs that are aimed at women. Women will be able to expand their skills outside of the laboratory.
Women in STEM have been a topic of growing interest as eagerness for equality increases. Additionally, stereotypes that girls are not good as boys in math have suppressed females from developing passions for the fields.
“I think that focuses on STEM is a positive move for any government and if that policy focuses on women as well, of course, it is positive,” science teacher Ms. Katz said.