by Jasmine Tejada, staff reporter
After nine months of pacing and patience, the soon to be mother’s goal will be fulfilled. At the hospital the creature she has been carrying in her womb will be brought to life and only she can bring this being into the world. Nevertheless, many women facing poverty around the globe have decided to abort female fetuses or mistreat their child after birth because females are perceived as less valuable than males. Although this act is continuously practice, few care to address the gendercide issue innocent female babies face. This situation reflects a complete lack of discernment and will most certainly hurt a country’s ability to prosper in the long run.
It’s remarkable how a government, such as India and China are eager to boost there gross domestic product, yet allows the idea that males are more superior and valuable than females to exist. The gross domestic product is also known as GDP; the measure of a country’s overall final goods and services exported. In order to have a large GDP a country must have a large labor force with active participation, capital, entrepreneurship, and land. However, by allowing women to kill off their children because of their sex, creates a huge hole in the first factor mentioned. In order to have a large GDP a country needs to have a growing population. Thus, those who put more emphases on a child that will carry out the family name fail to understand female babies could be more beneficial to the economic growth than males. For instance, the government could keep female babies as reproduction machines by simply keeping them in a isolated area only to produce babies, the reproduction base. These future female babies will be useful in an economy because the population will increase, of course proliferating the labor force.
It’s unquestionable that the government would have to spend an abundant sum of money to provide these female babies with the essentials needed to live. It’s inevitable, if women are penalized for having a female child they’ll abort and the economy gross domestic product will surely go down. So, women should be rewarded for giving testimony of pregnancy before higher officials. When the baby’s sex is discovered and recorded; the mother will continue with her pregnancy. The father of the child should be penalize or face tax increase until the charge is paid off, so preferences are eliminated. The funds will then go to the centers where female babies are kept so they can add on to the labor force. Of course, if the tax is too high people will be discouraged to have children, and the poor will most likely abort their babies, female or male. Thus, the lower class should also receive an award. What type of award some may ask themselves? Their babies, male or female, will be release to them at 10 years old this way parents will learn to value life no matter the gender.
The future remains there will be a billion more males than females in China by 2020 because of gendercide. Women living in poverty face a greater chance of being raped, kidnapped, or sold into marriage. Already the men of China who are ready to marry and want to begin a family are angry, due to the lack of shortage of females to marry. Thus, the option of not allowing females to leave the reproduction base until given into marriage is a fine idea. By protecting females on the reproduction base, the chances of mortality before the age of five will decrease dramatically; when compared to the year 2000 the mortality rate for female babies was 99.99 percent.
In one case, a mother living on her parents farm in India became pregnant. Her parents couldn’t afford to pay the dowry, so the father of the child refused to marry her. The parents of the mother decided if the baby was male they would keep the child, but if the child was female to be killed because a female child would be worthless on a farm. After giving birth, the mother took the child away and with a wet folded blanket suffocated the baby because the child was female. This case isn’t rare in India, how great would the reproduction base be to protect some of the best future employees!
Even though China and India due to their culture prefer male babies to a great degree, they love daughter in laws, sister in laws, and mother in laws. To meet the demand for more females there is always the option of importing more females into the country rather than importing auto parts, so the government doesn’t have to spend money for more patrols because of the crisis on behalf of the men who want a partner. In the event that the government and private companies should import more females, than job performance will increase, since most, if not all, the workers would have a family to support. Furthermore, better performance will increase the supply of said goods and of better quality.
Just as the reproduction base will decrease the death rate among female children before the age of five, both the import of females and allowing babies to leave the reproduction base will increase consumption. Consumption is also key for an economy gross domestic production to increase. This is because before marriage; couples are moved to make purchases and have purchases made for them by others when engaged, rather than when they act as individuals they made purchases for one consumer. After marriage; couples continue to be great consumers because household items have to be purchase to the extent where it meets all of the household members needs. Moreover, the females who are imported and protected on the reproduction base when married will be able to consume more than they did as individuals because of the extra source of income. The rapid growth in gross domestic production will be maintained for a long period. Something that what had taken years, and last temporarily, if it weren’t for the reproduction base and import of females.
Let’s not forget females have a keener eye than males, so at the age of ten the average female baby at the reproduction base would produce more goods to export than her male peers, and would had already two babies. Said child should be given recognition or being a productive member in the economy, and is no where near a burden.
“It’s better to be aborted than murdered by your mother”. This attitude is selfish because not only is the carrier of life neglecting a child because of the child’s gender, but denies the child its right to life, and most importantly hurting the labor force. Such people should be put on a base where their labor is in vain and lose count of how many females or males reproduce. Additionally if the government feels the need to kill babies, children, or abort fetuses; then the government will should do so, but at random. This was land added to the economy which is very important for the gross domestic production. The dead waste could be recycled into fertilizer making the soil better for growing rice crops and feeding herds.
Like cows produce milk, females can be used to produce milk too. Said milk could have its own factory where it’s produced, and be exported to neighboring countries. When the female breast has completely deflated rather than be wasteful, it would be mixed into the animal feed. Factory work is crucial for gross domestic production, but is only possible if both sexes live in an economy. It surprises economists to hear the killing of females due to their sex because they’re vital, and useful to an economy even after death. This is because females organs could be removed and inserted into another female or male. The transferring of organs would allowed a female who is only capable of producing one employee to produce two, and males could even help and produce at least one employee.
High poverty and culture norms go hand in hand in the gendercide issue faced today. However, let’s not forget the economic upturn females create and how they are far from being a burden but an asset to the economy.