by Nicole Kuliyev, staff reporter
China’s ‘red alert’, the highest warning level, went off recently in Beijing. The alarm is set to detect when there’s a high amount of pollution in the air. The toxic smog lasted for three days.
People were advised to stay indoors to avoid the dangerous particles outside. Citizens were advised to abstain from barbeques, fireworks, driving, and going to school. These microscopic particles can damage a person’s health.
“Because of (the smog) my kid often gets sick, often has a stuffy nose and a cough. At the moment the pollution feels like it keeps getting worse, and all we can do is slow down a little,” Shanghai resident and mother Valen Wang said.
Chinese government officials are working to help out their citizens by creating more tools to protect them. The government also wants to create a global climate pact because of China’s environmental problems.
“It’s really unfortunate that things like this happen. I’m really grateful that we have cleaner air here,” junior Jennifer Molina said.
China has one of the world’s dirtiest cities because of its coal-fired power plants and the abundance of cars within the cities. Lakes and rivers are overflowing with garbage. Flights have even been delayed due to the abundance of smog in the air.
China wants to put a nationwide credit system which will make it much more difficult for environmental offenders looking for loans.