by Markella Giannakopoulos, co-editor in chief

For those going off to college soon, the most dominant worry is how to pay for college. A scholarship that can provide substantial money is BKFK’s Teen PSA contest. The goal of the Public Service Announcement (PSA) is to gain awareness about no texting while driving.
According to the National Safety Council, an estimated 1.6 million car crashes are attributed to texting while driving . These crashes are very dangerous and sometimes fatal events that have rocked the neighborhoods.
“This scholarship would make drivers realize that they shouldn’t text and drive because if they look at the statistics those are worse than drinking and driving accidents,” senior Petros Giannakopoulos said.
BKFK’S goal is to raise awareness for this dangerous pastime. They want to involve teenagers directly so that they can be affected and learn better habits. The PSA’S would be aired in… so that the entire public can be informed as well.
This opportunity for a scholarship would gain more attention from students and allow more submissions to be brought in. The chance for $5000 can make students try really hard to make that winning PSA.
“It’s a good way to get money for college because a lot of people don’t get financial aid when they need it. This chance for $5000 is a great way to pay for college while doing something helpful for society,” Giannakopoulos said.
Students in grades 8 to 12 can start submitting their PSAs until January 30th. Submit soon to get that prized spot.