by Ifra Mahmood, staff reporter
An increase in the amount of gender neutral bathrooms has grown a lot in the past few years. They have been opening up at college campuses, workplaces and even the White House.
On April 8th, the first gender neutral bathroom opened up in the White House for non-binary staff and visitors. The restroom is located in the Eisenhower Executive Office building which is located near the West Wing of the White House. The bathroom became an addition to the White House because of the Obama administration’s support to the acceptance of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender or the LGBT.
Recently hashtags such as #TransLivesMatter and #WeJustNeedToPee have gotten attention on social media like Twitter. #TransLivesMatter became a worldwide trend after the deaths of Transgender teens trying to raise awareness.
A 17 year old teenager, Leelah Alcorn is a Transgender teen who was not accepted by her parents. Leelah posted a suicide note on Tumblr about how her parents didn’t accept her and started taking her to a Christian therapist thinking that it was a phase. The Tumblr post was later removed but Alcorn had written that she wanted a change for Transgender and wanted her death to mean something.
Last week, Obama’s executive order that “prohibits federal contractors and subcontractors from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity” became a federal law. Obama not only made this law but he is also the first president to use the word “transgender.” In the last few years the topic of trans and trans-phobia has been more talked about in the White House and in the public to raise awareness.
“I think that’s a good thing for people who are transgender and there should be many more because not everyone is comfortable to go in just a girls or boys bathroom if they are transitioning,” junior Alexis Carr said.
According to the Transgender Law Center, non-binary or trans students have been barred from using the restrooms at their schools while others have been attacked or harassed in the restrooms of malls and grocery stores.
“I think having more gender neutral bathrooms can change some peoples opinions about the trans community. I also think it’s a way to make everyone feel safe and comfortable,” senior Jacob Godoy said.