by Aja Landolfi, staff reporter

People who like good music but don’t like spending a lot to see a show, should check out some of the local bands that play in Long Island and in the city. This Is All Now (TIAN) is a local band based out of Long Island made up of five guys.
Okan Kazdal is the lead singer, followed by the two guitarists Jordan Caroleo and Louie Malpeli, the drummer Mike Pittelli, and bass player Thomas Angenbroich.
“I think the band is very humble and fun. They love to party and are happy to please their fans. That is what’s so great about them,” junior Brendon Muniz said.
TIAN has been together for two years. It began when Kazdal and Malpeli met each other while going to college at SUNY Oneonta. While at college, they formed the band and they recorded their first single Wasting Time. On May 31, 2012 they played their first show with Aaron Carter.
Influenced by bands like Taking Back Sunday, All Time Low, Blink 182 and by classical rock artists like John Mayer, TIAN’s sound is pop music with a rock edge to it.
“I’d describe our sound as Pop/Rock but it has it’s unique qualities. Rock and heavy hitting instruments with pop hooks and lyrics. It’s definitely worth checking out,” Malpeli said.
Touring all over the US, this past summer they toured for two and a half months with Radio Drive By and Stay Seventeen.
The biggest venue they have played was at the House Of Blues in Boston. However the largest crowd they’ve played for was when they opened for Avril Lavigne at the Paramount in Huntington, New York. It was there where they played for about 1,600 people.
“Their music isn’t really what I’m into but seeing them live was really really cool and they are such sweet guys. I wasn’t expecting them to be as nice as they are since they’re like a rock band but they are just really chill and funny,” junior Alyssa Striano said.
Over the past two years and many tours later, there are some tours that have made a lasting impact on the band.
“It’s a tie between Summer Of Love with Allstar Weekend and The Freaks and Geeks Tour with Hollywood Ending,” Angenbroich said.
However things aren’t all about the music. Not only do they have to write, record, and perform their own music, they also have the job of self promotion.
“I try to promote the band any way I can. [I do this] through all social medias, and promoting at other live shows, throwing promo cards out my window, and giving them to everyone I see,” Malpeli said.
Besides being in the band, they all have other jobs as well, to earn money and help make ends meet. Angenbroich works at The Revolution Bar and Music Hall on Long Island, Caroleo works on Wall Street as a stockbroker, Pittelli does security for the New York Mets, Kazdal works for his fathers pool company in the summer, and Malpeli does odd jobs and private construction.
Five years from now TIAN’s ambition is to still be playing together as a band, and to have achieved success.
“Hopefully we’ll still be playing together, on that world tour, all living together in the same house. That would be really cool,” Angenbroich said.
For anyone who doesn’t know who This Is All Now is, check them out on iTunes, Spotify and Youtube. You can visit them on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram or meet them outside the venue after one of their next local shows.