by Jamie Jensen, staff reporter

As the 2014-2015 school year came along, a few changes have been made. According to the bell schedule, classes have been shortened by a few minutes, which ends the school day at 2:25 instead of 2:42. Each class is now 47 minutes where last year first, seventh, and eighth period were 53 minutes. Some were 42 and others were 47.
“ For students its easier. Although the teachers and staffs schedules are the same, I don’t know why we didn’t make this change years ago,” technology and computer teacher Mr. Myrtil said.
Unfortunately, students no longer get out at 12:53 on Wednesdays because they get out almost a half hour earlier for the rest of the days which now gives them a full week of school.
“It lends nice continuity for the week for students and teachers, but at the same time it was valuable to have Wednesday afternoons to be with teachers for professional development,” assistant principal Mr. Jurman said.
Since there is no longer any half day Wednesdays. there is no longer any advisory. Therefore some grades have gym 3 times a week. Because of this, students now can wear uniformed sweatpants all day long on days they have gym.
“The reason for being allowed to wear uniformed sweatpants all day on the days kids have gym is the only solution considering the gym and locker rooms are being redone. We can’t have every student in the bathrooms getting changed at the same time. It’s a waste of time,” dean Mr. Millman said.
The gymnasium is in the midst of getting redone so people now have physical education outside but when the weather gets worse the P.E classes have to have it in the auditorium.
“I can’t stand not having the gym. My belongings are in a new room every day and it makes teaching so much more difficult. I can’t wait until we get the gym back,” gym teacher Mr. Maroney said.