by Jasmine Tejada, staff reporter
It’s easy for students to master exercises, but how about a problem? In Mr. Lai’s math classes, students spend 45 minutes learning how to tackle problems and hold class discussions.
First, students must write the learning target, copy and complete the ‘do now’. Next, students discuss the ‘do now’ and the work completed the previous day. Then, Mr. Lai tells students what is expected of them for five minutes and let’s the class spend the rest the period doing practice problems.
“Its important to take eighth and ninth grade algebra serious because now if you were the one to slack off, its catching up to you. Those students then have to work twice as hard at home to not be behind in class,” math teacher Mr. Lai said.
Student are expected to take the approach Mr. Lai demonstrates and apply that very same approach to different problems.
“Right now we are reviewing basic algebra skills in order to solve trigonometry problems,” senior Nathella Kalamaras said.
According to Why Must I Learn Math, math is used everywhere, moreover, it can help the students speak and write more clearly.
“You need math for bills and taxes when your older. For everything,” senior Kayleigh Mulvey said.
Mr. Lai math classes aren’t to be taken lightly. To make sure students can apply what they learn at the end of every unit an exam is given, along with a reflection on how students felt they performed and what area they know they could improve in.