By: Julia Falco, Features Reporter
When you are as famous as social media icon Kim Kardashian West, there is no such thing as privacy.
She is one of the most highly publicized female celebrities in the world. She is always center stage and commented on by national publications, social media outlets, and television networks on a daily basis. These comments range from her hair, her makeup, and, of course, her wardrobe. Apparently, nothing is off limits.
Two weeks ago, West posted a picture on her Instagram of herself holding her daughter, Chicago West, in her arms, while walking and holding the hand of her son, Saint West. In the photograph, Saint is sucking on a pacifier. West posted, “Missing my babies!!!!!!”. At the time of the post, West was in Africa with her husband, Kanye West, assisting poverty stricken areas.
The backlash on the photo was relentless. Posts and comments flew out continuously stating that West was a terrible mother. Many mothers were shaming her by criticizing the fact that her son was too old to have a pacifier in his mouth. Saint West is two years old.
Later that day, after the comments continued to accumulate, West changed the caption on her post to read “Missing my babies!!!!!! P.S. mom shamers it’s not a pacifier, he’s eating candy!”