by Kay Kim, editor in chief

On Monday, November 21st, admissions faculty from Plattsburgh State University of New York visited the juniors and seniors.
Plattsburgh is not the stereotypical upstate school that is located in the “middle of nowhere”.
“I would say it [Plattsburgh] is the bigger, vibrant city,” admission advisor Emmanuel Ake said.
There are facilities at close distances. During breaks, Plattsburgh offers buses that from the campus to their homes. There is an Amtrak station five minutes away from the campus. The Plattsburgh International Airport is one exit from the school, which is approximately seven minutes.
In terms of geography, Plattsburgh is located one hour away from Montreal and five hours from New York City. It is along Interstate 87. Although it is up north, Plattsburgh does not have a lot of snow, unlike University at Buffalo, because it does not big lakes right near it.

There is a wide range of academics experiences to choose from. Plattsburgh offers study abroad programs, in which students can receive education at a different country for a semester, a few weeks, a full year, of even during breaks. With the partnership with SUNY, there are options of 40 countries in which students can study at. Plattsburgh also offers a study at sea program. The tuition for these programs remain the same and the expenses include housing and personal expenses. There is also a national student exchange program, which is also known as study away.
Upon admittance to the school, students are assigned an academic adviser. He or she will meet with the adviser at least once a semester to discuss any concerns, regarding academics.
The 16:1 student to teacher ratio provides an environment in which students and teachers can build a personal relationship.
“You really have the ability for the professor to know your name. The staff actually take time and dedication to help you,” the Ake said.
In terms of enrollment, Plattsburgh is reachable school. The average GPA is 85~91 on a 100-point scale. Average test scores are 1070 to 1190 for the SAT and 21 to 24 on the ACT.
NY state residents are given a $1,750 grant as a freshman. Students are also given a $3,500 merit-based scholarship upon admittance and will continually be given the scholarship if he or she maintains a 3.25 GPA over the four years in college.