by Kay Kim, junior editor in chief
Following the English Language Arts State Test, middle school students took the Mathematics State Test. The exams were taken from Wednesday, April 13th to Friday, April 15th.
Teachers have prepared their students all year long. Furthermore, students were given the opportunity to receive extra help through the Turbo after-school tutoring that the school offered.
Sixth Grade
For the first time in her teaching career, Ms. Gildea taught her class in a new way. The students “self-taught” themselves at home. She assigned students to watch videos and study notes as “homework”. Then at school, Ms. Gildea went over any questions the students had. She also gave them worksheets as a way to review their notes.
Approximately a week before the test, Mr. Lai took over the class and prepared them for test.
“He [Mr. Lai] set up questions for the test and showed us everything on the test. It helped me because if he didn’t, I wouldn’t have finished the test,” sixth grader Eleana Kostakis said.
Seventh Grade
“There are three major topics in seventh grade math, which are: number systems, expressions and equations, and ratios and proportions. We placed a lot of emphasis on number systems, which includes operations on positive and negative numbers and dealing with fractions and decimals,” seventh grade math teacher Mr. Chin said.
It is very easy to simply dismiss a topic after taking a test. Therefore, Mr. Chin made great efforts for students to retain those old concepts. He handed out review packets and questions from previous exams. He even reviewed the topic of number system after every lengthy holiday breaks so that students will not forget the numerous rules in the topic.
On top of the lessons during class, Mr. Chin also offered extra help during lunch. The lunch periods provided students with more individualized attention, compared to that during class time.
“In general, all the things required for the test – he [Mr. Chin] understood. His teaching skills are outstanding. Everyone looks at what he’s teaching,” seventh grade student Cameron Gutmann said.
In terms of preparing for the exams, he believes the best way to prepare for the exams is to solve questions from previous exams.
“Getting used to the way the test may ask a question is one of the best ways for students to study,” Mr. Chin said.
Eighth Grade
Although eighth grade students are in middle school, they did not take the state exams because they are scheduled to take the algebra regents in June.