by Kay Kim, editor in chief
Several organizations, such as the Korean American Family Service Center (KAFSC), Korean Community Service (KCS), and MinKwon Center, have organized the New York Asian American Youth Conference.
This event will be held at East-West School of International Studies on Saturday, May 28th from 9AM to 4PM.
Conference workshops will revolve around the theme, “Not Your Model Minority: Challenging 21st Century Stereotypes”.
There will be several student-led workshops in the morning and a career fair in the afternoon.
“…It [the conference] will inspire the Asian Americans to understand that it is okay to not ‘live up’ to the ‘standard’. They will learn that it is fine to be bad at math or not to pursue a career as a doctor or a lawyer,” Youth Community Project Team (branch organization of KAFSC) president Sherry Chen said.
Attendees must register at [email protected].