by Janae Kea, junior feature editor
Eighth grade students gathered around to hear Claire Heymann, a Holocaust survivor, speak. Her speech took place in the school library on March 15th.
“It was really touching. On the inside I feel like no one has to go through this and no one has to see that with their own eyes, no one has to see their family leave them or get killed. Having her here was really special because she’s telling her story, and not a lot of people from that time want to talk about their experience because it was too much,” 8th grader Kevin Sosa said.
Sharing all her details from beginning to end, Heymann told students about her life before the Holocaust, her time during it and her life after it. During the time Heymann’s father was sent off to a camp and went into detail about what she had to do get her father back such as pay a man, giving up everything to find him.
“It was really incredible how someone can survive during the Holocaust. There was a picture, on one side it showed all the kids during the Holocaust and on the other side it showed them now, it was really touching,” 8th grader Liana Mamone said.