by Kay Kim, junior editor in chief

Winter months draw a close and spring quickly approaches. Rain begins to fall and the little green heads start to come up from the ground. Winter heads its way out as spring emerges. Athletes can finally play out in the warm weather.
“When I heard the word ‘April’, I think of spring and April Fool’s Day. It gets warmer out, so I can play outside. In the winter, you only get one good day,” freshman Luka Jaks said.
Rain showers are very common during this month. Air in the atmosphere is still cold from the winter months, while the surface is starting to warm up. As the more-dense, cold air sinks and the the warm air rises, precipitation begins. Last year, New York had an average rainfall of 100 millimeters (approximately 4 inches) in April alone.
During this weather, plants start to turn green and bear leaves. Although the sun is warm and the winds are chilly, the flowers still manage to peep their heads. They soon fill the air with their scents.
As the flowers that represent April, daisies and the sweet peas shine their lights this month. Daisies symbolizes innocence, purity, new beginnings, and true love. Sweet peas, which are the products of several interbedded flowers, represents pleasure, thankfulness, and departure.
Another luminous flower is the sakura tree, which is also known as the cherry blossom tree. Washington DC holds their cherry blossom festivals around this time in Potomac Tidal Basin, near the Jefferson Memorial. Cherry blossom trees were planted on the Washington DC grounds as a gift from the Japanese.
Many flowers this month seem to glisten their names like the birthstone of the month, the diamond. Diamonds are rare gems that are gifted to loved ones. It seems that diamonds were named as the representing gemstones because of its relation to the daisies, which symbolize love.
Besides flowers and gemstones, in schools, April is celebrated as National Poetry Month. Students and teachers nationwide celebrate and support poets and the art of poetry. National Poetry Month was established in 1996 by the Academy of American Poets.
To honor poetry, some English teachers, like Ms. Marks, have created units that evolve around it.
“We will be having our fifth annual Poetry Slam. The Poetry Slam is a great way for people to express their perspectives on social issues. It is also a good way to argue and convince, beyond the typical essay/report,” English teacher Ms. Marks said.
Athletes can play sports outside. Families and couples can visit the cherry blossom trees. Poets can celebrate their month of honor. April is a versatile month.