by Kay Kim, junior editor in chief
Everyone has a distinct style in which they dress, even the teachers in this school. Let’s take a look at their styles.
Dr. Baribault – He is the tall science teacher in the school, who wears gray or black slacks, with a flannel short-sleeve shirt tucked into his pants. He wears the short-sleeves even during the winter. Sometimes, he will wear the Environmental Club hoodie.
Mrs. Byrne – She is the chicly dressed teacher, who commonly wears scarves and accessories. She is also easily noticeable with her Tory Burch bags and flats.
“Her style is classy chic or Bohemian chic; with all the scarves and accessories,” seventh grade English teacher Mrs. Devine said.
“I kind of look in my closet or think about it [the outfit] when I’m in the shower,” ninth grade English teacher Ms. Byrne said.
Mr. Cross – “Fashion is about trying out different things – trying on all types of hats; trying on all types of boots. It’s about having that rare piece of item,” tenth grade English teacher Mr. Cross said.
Mr. Cross’s rare piece of clothing is a black double-breasted coat that he purchased at a thrift store in Australia. His coat is a coat that old school boys used to wear all the time. He proved that old fashion is coming back.
Aside from his coat, he can be noticed in his black or dark brown J.Crew blazer or a vest. When wearing a vest, he commonly styles a plaid shirt underneath it.
Ms. Cuesta – She is the trendy, yet business-appropriate assistant principal. A great amount of her clothes are purchased from Zara. She styles her tops with sweaters and blazers. During the winter, she wears (trendy) boots to keep her feet warm. When she is not wearing boots, she can be seen in heels.
Ms. Devine – The middle school English teacher is a fashionable, yet casual dresser. During the winter time, she always wears a scarf, whether it is pink or tan in color.
“All the teachers wear shirts and khakis. But she wears more fashionable clothes, so her style is the most eye-catching,” seventh grader Billy Cariella said.
Mr. Gardner – Mr. Gardner can be recognized by his fanciful ties and cardigans. He dresses professional, yet whimsical in his cardigans and flannel shirts.
Mr. Gembara – He is always dressed in a cardigan, whether it is striped or a plain gray one. Occasionally, he wears a plaid shirt.
Ms. Gildea – She is the teacher that dresses in all-black all the time. She explained why she dresses that way.
“One, I always spill coffee on myself. Two, black is obviously slimming. Three, Johnny Cash is my favorite and he is known as the man-in-black, so I’d like to be known as the woman-in-black,” sixth grade math teacher Ms. Gildea said.
Ms. Ginger – Ms. Ginger is the school’s fashionable, classic dresser. She can even style clothes that have been in her closet for 25 years. She plans her outfit as she relaxes the night before coming to work, deciding which pair of pants matches with the shirt.
Mr. Jurman – He is the high school’s classy assistant principal. He dresses classically in the classic men’s wear – suits, ties, and shirts.
“In the morning, I just wear how I feel. It also depends on the weather,” high school assistant principal Mr. Jurman said.
Ms. Katz – The high school physics teacher keeps herself warm in the winter with sweaters and her black Ugg boots. She stated that she owns at least six different colors of her cable-knit sweater, all in the same design and the same company. During the warmer days, she dresses in a thin blouse/shirt and a pair of flats. Occasionally, she wears a shirt with a cardigan. For pants, she wears black or gray slacks because slacks are “work clothes”.
Ms. Marks – Mrs. Marks is easily noticeable in her dark pants, brand named clothings, and her Uggs or her “comfort shoes” that students make fun of. To her, comfort is most important. Since she cannot foretell the temperature of her classroom, she likes to layer breathable clothes.
Mr. Mullen – Mr. Mullen is known among the students for his shirt and sweater fashion. He wears a button down shirt with his various sweaters, whether it is a knitted sweater or a quarter-zip pullover.
Ms. Paplow – The middle school guidance counselor has a wide variety of cardigans and a penchant for the color purple. She is usually wearing a cardigan, whether the color is pink, purple, gray, black, etc…
Mr. Reff – The school’s only language teacher is usually dressed in khakis or gray or black jeans for bottoms and polo shirts or a plaid button-down for his top. Most of his tops have one thing in common – they are from Tommy Hilfiger.
Mr. Thompson – He is the teacher who dresses in black slacks or gray or black jeans. When he wears jeans, he usually wears his gray sneakers and a polo shirt. When he decides to wear slacks, he styles them with a flannel shirt and a pair of black dress shoes.
Mr. VanDeurs – The tallest teacher in the school normally wears a button down shirt, navy or khaki skinnies, and his brown slip-on shoes.
Don’t mess with the clean-cut
Mr. Lai, Mr. Chin, and Mr. Lumetta all share a common fashion.
These teachers always dress in their clean-cut button downs and slacks. Their flat-ironed shirts are nicely tucked inside their dark or khaki slacks. Then, they finish the look with black dress shoes.
Sometimes, Mr. Lumetta wears a sweater or a cardigan over his shirt. He also occasionally wears his glasses around his neck.
One student explained his experience of dressing as a teacher for the school’s Teacher Appreciation Day during January.
“Mr. Chin always wears a white shirt and black pants. When I dressed up [for Teacher Appreciation Day], I dressed up like that,” Cariella said.
Polo shirts all the way
Some teachers in the school are known for wearing their polo shirts and slacks. There are several teachers who dress in this manner: Mr. Mengani, Mr. Petrotta, and Mr. Speizer.
Whatever the style or fashion may be, all the teachers and staff in the school have their own distinguishable ways of dressing.