by Adriano Figueroa, contributing reporter
I woke up. I looked around me. Where am I? Am I dreaming? Am I still me? Are tomatoes still considered a fruit? I looked and there was Michael, Mr. Watson, and Amelia.
“Are you okay?”, Michael said, “You blacked out for two weeks”.
“Adams Walker you are not just a human”, Mr. Watson said, “You are a demigod, but still I do not know who your father is but whoever it is, it really isn’t good.”
“Look Adams you…you were just…” Amelia didn’t want to mention it. I didn’t know why but I felt really bad like I could just go home, lock my room door, and stay in there forever.
“You were just a mistake Adams”, Michael said, “I-I am sorry.”
I looked down but then looked surprised. Michael legs looked like a donkey’s legs.
“Michael y-you have donkey legs!”, I said. He looked so weird.
“Blah-ha-hah!”, he said, “I am not a donkey! We satyrs are so offended right now!”
I looked around me. Yep, there were satyrs looking at me with their best death stare. But then the anger came back. I just realized that I was a mistake, never to be born.
“Where are my brothers?”, I said.
“Hey yo, Adams!”, a voice said. It was Jane! I stood up and there was Jane and Luke. Luke was wearing his Hawaiian jacket. Under that was a shirt that said CAMP HEROES. I was in a camp?
“Wait who is my father Mr. Watson?”.
“We do not know yet Adams.”
“Why am I not supposed to be born?” I asked.
“Because of us there will be a war”, Luke said, “The gods, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, made a promise to not to have any more affairs with any more mortals.”
“Now because of us there will be a war”, Jane said.
“Do you guys know who you father is yet?”, I asked them.
“Nope I do not know,” Jane said.
“Me neither,” Luke said.
“I am still confused,” I said, ”Are the greek gods real ‘cause they are just myths.”
“No they are not Adams,” Mr. Watson said.
“My father is Apollo,” Amelia said, ”God of the sun, art, poetry, music, healing.”
I had to say I probably knew Amelia’s father was Apollo since she is very good at art, she loves singing, can stare at the sun for at least 10 seconds until her eyes burn, and she is an awesome, good writer.
“Michael who is your father?,” I asked.
“My father is my father,” he said, “He is a satyr too. The father of all satyrs is Pan, god of satyrs, wild, shepherds and flock. ”
“Whoever is your father must be related to your actual fathers,” Amelia said, “You had three fathers, each representing the three main gods of greek mythology.”
I thought. What god loves the sky, clouds, thunder, lightning, rain, and going around the world in a plane? I thought for a long time. Apollo? No that’s not right. Hades? No he hates light. Ares? No I don’t like war! Who could it possibly be?
“The father I loved the most was the one who loved the sky, thunder, rain, etc.” I said.
“Oh no, I knew it!” Mr. Watson said. Who is my father? How does he look like? What is his name?
I heard the sound of a horn blow. It was the satyrs. What is going on? Is war coming?
“Let’s go Adams Walker,” Mr. Watson says, “Let me show you your father’s cabin.”