by Eleni Savidis, contributing reporter
On Wednesday, November 23, the students of the school celebrated Thanksgiving by bringing in foods from their cultures for the annual International Feast.
Students, teachers, faculty, and staff gather together in the auditorium to celebrate together before the four day weekend. Students are asked to bring in supplies for the feast, such as food or even napkins, which then would give them a stamp with permission to attend the feast. The auditorium and halls were filled with previous graduates who visited their teachers and friends.

The international feast is organized by social studies teacher, Ms. Fong. The volunteers for the feast are whomever Ms. Fong chooses as well as some student ambassadors and Fashion Club members.
A few people shared their observations and thoughts regarding the feast.
“People should bring in bigger portions because the food we get is limited,” eighth grader Mary Maier said.
Students choose from a selection of food and aren’t limited to what they can eat. The portions are limited to assure that each grade will have food to eat.
“I liked it a lot. The food was great and I liked trying new foods,” sixth grader Kimberly Castellanos said. She also included that they should try and add more food so that they could “get seconds”.
The tables are filled ranging from pasta to rice to cookies. All the different cultures are represented in the various cuisines that the students bring in.
“I believe the international feast was successful and it was just like every other year before. I hope more people bring in food,” tenth grade student ambassador Leah Toledo said.