by Samantha Ubertini, staff reporter
Seniors were surprised when coming into school with congratulatory notes on their lockers. Grades sixth through eleventh wrote notes on post-its for the seniors during the week.
“I thought it was really cute to come in to school and see the notes on the lockers. It put a smile on my face to see that the younger grades support us,” senior Kayleigh Mulvey said.
Before seniors arrived to school, Mrs. Reed tacked two to three notes on every seniors locker. This was a treat for the seniors to show them that they’re almost done with school. Seniors enjoyed seeing the notes on their lockers and can all agree that it was very thoughtful and rewarding.
“My favorite one is when there was one on my locker that said ‘what type of name is Thelion?’ I thought it was really funny and the rest of the messages were supportive,” senior Thelion Simmons said.