by Jaclyn Thompson, junior news editor
After spending four years in high school, students have formed relationships with some teachers. Teachers gave their last thoughts and advice to the seniors.
“There is so much to learn in the world, keep yourself open to all of the opportunities that come your way. The truth is, that you just don’t know where you’ll end up, so be brave and try it all,” newspaper, AP Lit, pub finance and foundations in journalism teacher Starr Sackstein said, “A few years ago, I had the pleasure of teaching some of the seniors in the 10th grade for mixed media. During that time, students learned to design their own projects and made amazing PSAs about journalism ethics. I remember how each student struggled at the beginning but really developed over time. In addition to this, I really enjoyed spending my lunch with the seniors this year learning a lot about their lives and talking about books.”
“[Advice for the seniors is] To take their responsibilities seriously,” physics teacher Ms.Katz said, “Going to six flags, [was my favorite memory] when all students acted totally responsibly and I was shocked that the entire trip went off without a hitch!”
“Find your happiness! If your life isn’t what you expected it would be, turn it into something that you want and [that] will make you happy, experiences are far more rewarding than things,” science teacher Ms. Cimini said.
“It may sound cliche, but find your passion and make it your career,” social studies teacher Mr. Mengani said, “My AP Macroeconomics class this year was so much fun to teach. I can’t remember enjoying a group of students so much!”
“Say please and thank you. It goes a long way. Show up on time and work hard each day. Be someone others can count on. Discover the world,” english teacher Mr. Christopulos said, “I have seen seniors in my broadcast journalism and English classes shine in their news reporting, writing, and analysis of literature with wisdom that’s beyond their years.”
“Take advantage of all the opportunities that come your way and keep an open mind,” 7th grade teacher Ms. Caban said, “ [My favorite memory is] Zach calling me Anna Kendrick and asking for my autograph.”
“All love that is not given is lost. Give compliments to those who deserve it and surround yourself with good people. Always be proactive and never settle :),” IEP teacher Mr.Petrotta said, “I taught Algebra to this class and I remember so many students who didn’t think they would pass the regents. I remember vividly writing on chart paper and flipping each page over one at a time. YOU. ALL. PASSED. We had 100% pass rate on the Algebra Regents. I was so proud. It was an awesome class. I will miss them.“
“One of my most vivid memories of this class is the CRYING that went on in the 9th grade. We were a very, very emotional bunch,” said history teacher Mr. Tesler, “[My advice is] Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around for a while, you could miss it.”
Students have made a bond with the teachers that they will always cherish. The teachers wish the best for the seniors and gave them useful advice to keep in mind. On behalf of the news team, congratulations seniors, you made it.