By Jamie Jensen, staff reporter
Globally, many have questioned the creation of the world. The biggest belief is that we were created by God. According to pew research 2.4% of American adults say they are atheists when asked about their religious identity.
Atheism is the absence of belief that any deities exist. In other words, someone who doesn’t believe in God. Atheists don’t use God to explain the existence of the universe.
As a child, I attended Sunday school every week. I was brought up to believe that God created me and all of my surroundings, but as I grew older I became less and less religious and soon came about the fact that God does not exist.
There can’t be a guy in the sky with a beard telling people how their day is going to go. There is not ‘someone’ or an entity that creates people and every single freckle and flaw on their body. When people pray and ask God to help them in certain situations, it’s not God who is giving them the strength to get through the problem it’s themselves thinking positively just believing that it’s God who gave them strength to get past the situation.
“With me it never mattered if he existed or not. I was always content on living my life and never needed the construct of a higher power to justify my motivations,” Atheist Austin Cline said.
Although some people are more religious than others, people tend to practice and remain in the religion they were raised in. People acquire a religion before critical thinking skills, and that religion is promoted without anyone even noticing it.
“It was something I was brought up by and willingly practiced because of my own exploration of faith. I only continue to believe because I strongly agree with it. If i can rate myself on a scale from 1-10 based on how religious I am, it would be an 11. I haven’t missed a Sunday yet, I pray everyday and I already got into a college to study to be a priest,” junior John Szymkiewicz said.
Every human being must decide whether or not they believe in the existence of God. With over 20 major religions in today’s world, God is the most recognized superior power. People are taught to believe that this “God” is a supernatural being, but never taught about the fact that he doesn’t even exist.