by Faith Chojar, staff reporter

With Advanced Placement exams soon approaching, students have already begun preparing and studying for the exams taking place in May.
AP testing takes place during two weeks in the beginning of May, from the 4th through the 8th, and the 11th through the 15th.
“I recommend that my students get review books. They’re usually available online, but when I used to study I found it worked best to use the textbook, highlight notes, take notes on what I highlighted, highlight those notes and so on and so forth. It’s a more efficient way to begin chunking down huge pieces of information,” AP US History teacher Mr. Tesler said.
Students can find a large range of study aids and review books in Barnes and Noble and the College Board Store.
“In my class we’ve already started preparing for the test. We do weekly reviews and are provided with many links, sources and test taking videos to study with,” AP student Edona Mema said.
Subjects range from Environmental Science and Calculus, to World History and Literature and Composition. Up to three exams can take place during one day. Testing takes place at 8 AM, 12 PM, and 2 PM.
Students are required to take exams for the classes they have been enrolled in throughout the school year. These classes and tests include AP Calculus, English Literature and Composition, United States History, English Language and Composition, World History, and Macroeconomics. They also have the option to take any other AP exams that are offered.
“Taking the AP tests at the end of the year lends legitimacy to the course and is a good way for students and teachers to see what they have gained from the class. It’s a nice way to measure the year, and I would rather have someone try and do poorly than not even try at all. It provides a good life lesson,” assistant principal Mr. Jurman said.
The current price of sitting for these tests cost $91, or $53 for a student who receives reduced lunch.
For the full list of AP Exams and their times, visit the College Board website.