by Alicia Massey, staff reporter

This year’s senior parent committee will be having its biggest fundraiser of the year. Supermarket Fun Night will take place on February 27, 2015, starting at 6 PM. The prizes will be bags of groceries.
There is a list for each grade and students are being asked to donate items.
“It’s like Bingo night, you buy a bingo card and if you win that round, your prize is a bag of groceries,” parent coordinator Helen Reed said.
Sixth graders are asked to donate toilet paper, paper towels, sponges, hand wipes, tissues, napkins, paper plates, paper cups, straws, etc.
Seventh graders are to bring spaghetti, macaroni & cheese, rice- a- roni, packaged soup mixes, canned soup, canned vegetables, etc.
Eighth graders are asked to bring cookies, crackers, cereal, Pop Tarts, instant oatmeals, rice cakes, granola bars, sugar, bread crumbs, etc.
Ninth graders are asked to bring baking items such as cake mix, brownie mix, pancake mix, muffin mix, cookie mix, Jell-O, pudding, frosting, cupcake papers, wax paper, and etc.
“I think some of my classmates might contribute but not a lot” , ninth grader Emily Perez said.
Tenth graders are asked to bring in condiments and snacks. Eleventh graders are bringing coffee, tea, hot cocoa, soda, water, saran wrap, aluminum foil, zip-lock bags, paper lunch bags, trash bags, etc.
“I think it will be a success, it sounds like a really good idea and it will help bring the community together to help for a great cause”, eleventh grader Alyssa Striano said.
Seniors are asked to donate cleaning supplies like ajax, comet, brillo, windex, floor cleaners, liquid soap, dishwashing soap, polishes, fabric softener, dryer sheets, stain removers, detergent, etc.
The purpose of Supermarket Fun Market is a fundraiser that can improve the prom budget so that the seniors can have a nicer prom.
“I’m glad that the PTA is doing something to help us raise money for senior year because it’s really expensive and it means a lot that they are putting a lot of effort”, senior Anisa Bridgelal said.