by Jaclyn Thompson, staff reporter

While there are only a few real twins in the school,many kids came to class dressed up the same as their friends on Twin Day.
During spirit week on Thursday, January 15th, students dressed up with their friends) wearing the same clothing to show school spirit.
“Its my favorite day because I get to dress down the same as my best friend, “ sophomore Jackie Catalank said.
Students enjoyed being able to wear non-uniform clothing and able to match with their close friends. Students and teachers both wore clothing such as flannels, T-shirts, jeans and sweatshirts with matching colors and shoes.
“I like being able to show school spirit and have fun with my friends as we dress alike,” junior Alyssa Striano said.
Twin day is just one of the five days students are able to express their school spirit. Students wore all different types of creative outfits to express them and their ‘twin’.