by Samantha Ubertini, staff reporter

EF travelers for the 2015 Europe trip had their fourth of six meetings cancelled because of the Northeastern (terrible weather conditions). The meeting was cancelled Tuesday December 9th, late in the school day due to the heavy rain that hailed down that afternoon.
“The school felt at first that we shouldn’t cancel the meeting and a presenter said we wouldn’t have as many people come to the meeting. As the day progressed we started to think of all the parents rushing home from work and we didn’t want to jeopardize the safety and welfare of parents, staff, and students,” vice principal Mrs. Poulos said.
This meeting was going to highlight the technology, security, and emerging journalism assignment given to the travelers. The traveler’s fifth meeting will be on Tuesday, January 13th. They won’t have the fourth meeting rescheduled because the presenters won’t be able to come back to the school.
“I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to go to the meeting because of the rain I’m happy it was cancelled so I didn’t miss anything,” senior Tina Kouridakis said.