by Madeline Heinsen, staff reporter
Infraction B-32 on the New York City Department of Education’s Discipline Code is being strictly enforced in school. It strictly prohibits plagiarism or engaging in scholastic dishonesty which includes cheating, plagiarizing, and colluding.
Cheating or copying from another person’s test paper; using materials during a test which is not authorized by the person administering the test goes completely against one’s academic integrity which is prohibited in school.
“I feel like cheating should be strictly prohibited and the administration is enforcing the infraction well. Cheating is rarely dealt with in school, which makes students well aware that it is not tolerated,” junior Laura Zabala said.
Plagiarizing or copying from anothers work and using it as one’s own for credit without the required citation and attribution, is also against one’s academic integrity and is also part of Infraction B-32.
Colluding is to come to a secret understanding for a harmful purpose; or to conspire. Engaging in fraudulent collaboration with another person in preparing written work for credit is also prohibited.
In school, if Infraction B-32 is violated, the consequences that have to be met are suspension and it is added to the student’s transcript if they are a high school student which can affect ones entrance to college, since they can face expulsion for cheating.