by Adva Fuchs, staff reporter
As the first half of the school year comes to a close, many students are becoming more and more outraged at the administrations attempt to take away their only free period in the day. Latecomers will now have to serve lunch detention that very same day.
“Its not really fair,” junior Amir Shallit said “If you’re late more than once fine but if you’re late unregularly you probably have a reason. It’s just unfair compared to those that are constantly late.”
Although many other students share the same notion about lunch detention, others believe its a change that needed to occur in order to make the school better.
“WJPS needed this;” high school assistant principal Mr. Jurman said. “People didn’t really see the consequences with doing things that were against the rules. With this new detentions, the consequences are immediate. The students have to know, ‘If i’m late, I dont have lunch.’”
With this mind set, administrators are taking their system very seriously, introducing middle school lunch detention in addition to the high school detention.
“In order to be fair, everyone must have the same punishment,” Mr. Jurman added.
The same issues about lunch detention arise out of the middle school as the high school, with the average detention ratio between high school and middle school being at “20 to 10,” and it’s seen that this tactics, in the scope of one week, was able to drop the amount of latenesses in the school, according to dean Mr. Millman.
“We’re bringing the old system back. We found it to be very effective. I believe kids like their social time in the cafeteria and will eventually decide they like being with their friends more than being in lunch detention,” Mr. Millman said.