by Laina Vitarelli, staff reporter

This year the school helps high school students to get ready for SATs by offering a Princeton Review class every Wednesday in order to prepare for both the March and May SAT exams.
“I chose to register for the Princeton Review because it was a good deal. It was cheaper than other prep classes I had looked into and it is convenient that it’s at our school,” junior Peter Mckee said.
The PTA had managed to get a discount for students who were interested in taking the prep class by getting $200.00 off the original price of $599.00. However students only receive the discount if they register before November 30th, for the December 4th classes, and January 15th for February 5th classes.
After registering, students receive their course materials in the mail which includes; an SAT Manual, 11 practice tests for the SAT and PSAT, 4 scantrons, and a Diagnostic Booklet for the SAT.
“I expect to learn strategies that will help me during the actual SAT. The diagnostic test was dreadful,” junior Kaitlyn Mckenna said. “It took an extremely long time and was difficult because it had been the first SAT practice test I had taken.”
The course consists of six classes as well as four diagnostic tests that are proctored by instructors. In total there are 10 weeks to the course. Students preparing for the March 2014 SAT exam started review on December 4th by taking their first diagnostic test.
The May 2014 SAT exam classes will start February 5th.