by Chris Petronella, staff reporter

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, developed by Bethesda Game Studios, was the first of a series of games to be sold on the Xbox 360 platform. Although many tend to complain about the graphics for that time, it is still an original action packed game that provides a satisfying gaming experience.
Elder Scrolls Oblivion is packed with quests and side quests to keep the gamer going. The game also gives players the options of joining different clubs or guilds ranging from the fighters guild to the mages guild. The game allows people to rank up their character based on the skills the gamer picks in the beginning of the game.
“Yeah, I enjoy this game, its really fun being able to make your own character and adjusting their types of skills that they have. I do believe it is a classic game because it really sets a mood of a original game and it started the xbox series off right,” junior Manoli Damanakis said.
The gamer is able to pick the race that the they would like to be and give the character specialities to fit the type of character that someone is trying to become.
For example, a mage would pick skills that are based on the schools of magic. If the gamer wanted to be an assassin, they would pick classes which involve those certain skills. The ones that people are able to pick will be the base of the character.
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is excellent, but like all games, it has their flaws. It has very long loading screens. If the character were to enter a house, it would bring the gamer to a never ending loading screen.
If the player accidentally got into the wrong building in the game, it would take a long time to load when the characters enter and exit. Also, if one forgets to save, the game will not save automatically, therefore making the gamer repeat one last saved.
“I do in fact hate the loading screens because it makes such a simple process take forever,” junior Jason Chen said.
These bad changes are just minor flaws that shouldn’t affect the person playing the game. Elder Scrolls 4 is a phenomenal game, and with their long gameplay and many quests to conquer, the game is worth the price; it ranges from $10 – $30, depending on where the gamer gets it from.