by Laina Vitarelli, staff reporter

Talent show auditions were filled with a wide variety of performances by both middle school and high school students. The tryouts contained all forms of talent such as singing, dancing, piano playing, karate, and much more.
“We had over 50 acts that auditioned and tryouts took place over the course of two weeks,” judge of Greek Club Talent Show Mr. Petrotta said.
The tryouts were in the auditorium on October 30th for middle school and November 6th for high school. Due to the overflow of students auditioning the Greek Club had to separate the tryouts so everyone had an equal opportunity to perform.
“My favorite part of trying out was when my audition was over because I got to hear everyone cheer, and also I didn’t feel so nervous anymore,” junior grade high school student, Luciano Cardoza said.
During tryouts the time for students to audition was cut down to one minute so only a small portion of their performances were seen. Although time was limited, everyone that signed up had the chance to audition.
“The final list is hoped to be posted this coming Friday which is the 15th,” Mr. Petrotta said.
Auditions have been concluded and students will see the results soon. If any further questions about Talent Show contact Mrs. Douvres ([email protected]) or Mr. Petrotta ([email protected]).