by Da Hae Jung, staff reporter
National Honor Society (NHS) held the orientation for the freshmen on September 3rd, 2013. The day before the orientation, students from NHS gathered, planned and prepared for the orientation. The students and staff came up with their own ideas of what would be included in the orientation for the freshmen to be interested.
“Having orientations for the freshmen seem to be very helpful because being new to a school is always confusing at first,” junior Nicole Albino said.
Students from NHS had the opportunity to interact with the students and to tell the freshmen about the school. Volunteers were separated into four different groups to guide the incoming freshmen. The students from NHS prepared an ice breakers to interact with the students.
“The orientation seem to have went well and the students seem to enjoy and it was because the orientation went smoothly,” guidance counselor Mrs. Paplow said.
Orientation for the freshmen ended successfully and let the incoming freshmen be able to get use to the new environment that they had to face.