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The Student News Site of World Journalism Preparatory School

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Is Hate Too Strong of a Word?

Is Hate Too Strong of a Word?

The most annoying holiday is here. Why does there have to be one day about love? Why do people care so much about buying chocolate and going to dinner when you can do that any day of the year? It’s hard to understand the excitement about Valentine’s Day. 

WJPS junior Dayssy Acuahuti stated, “I believe Valentine’s Day is overrated because why should there be a specific day to share love and have to spend it with someone else other than yourself. I think self love is the best type of love there is.” 

Alana Azad, another WJPS junior commented, “I do think Valentine’s Day is overrated because people focus too much on trying to give their love out to others, but they don’t love themselves enough. Valentine’s Day should also be about loving yourself and taking care of yourself while still giving your love out to those who appreciate you.” 

Mr. Uchenna, a WJPS substance advisor stated, “I believe the idea of Valentine’s Day is beautiful, but the commercialism takes away from the sentiment. It’s amazing to take time to show love to your significant other, but it’s also important to know that we don’t need a specific day to do so. I often wonder where we got the holiday from and what it’s connection to Saint Valentine is.” 

A WJPS physical education teacher, Mr. Maroney said, “So I think Valentine’s Day is way too commercialized because they jack up the prices of roses. It’s just a holiday why can’t people just give them out on a regular day why does there have to be a whole day just for it.” 

Try telling that special person you care about them today instead of just on February 14th.

Is licensed under “I Hate Valentine’s day” Steven A.J.B.

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