All the new shows seem to be coming from MTV and CW11, and not to mention ABC Family, who’s shows are still geared towards moms and daughters according to ABC Families online site. Ever since the Twilight saga came out, much of the teen population has taken a liking to the whole vampire world and their ancient rivals; the werewolves.
“I think the shows are interesting since they have action, and they’re easy to follow.” said junior, Natalie Silva.
Although MTV’s Teen Wolf hasn’t had any run-ins with vampires, as of season one, which recently ended, the show is purely about werewolves and humans. It was definitely a new genre of television for MTV to produce, a channel which was originally based on music, but went to reality.
“I used to watch 120 Minutes with Matt Pinfield, and all my favorite music videos. I even watched the first Real World, but I don’t watch the new MTV.” said Social Studies teacher, Ms. Moreno.
In general, a common theme can be interpreted in these different scenarios. For example, the common theme of romance is apparent in all three of these new series. This is a theme that grabs the attention of teenagers because most of them go through, less dramatic, versions of romance.
“It is amusing to easily amused people, and this causes girls to get upset when their boyfriends don’t act like the guys on these shows. For the most part, half of these shows are entertaining.” said senior, Zoe Edwards.