by Nicole Yu, staff reporter
Jeans for Troops is a drive to raise awareness for an organization, The G.I. Go Fund, that helps veterans return to their civilized lives.
Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan depend on the G.I. Go Fund to help with finding new jobs, obtaining an education, and just trying to help benefit their lives after coming back from the war. They help because they know it’s hard for veterans to return back to their civilized life.
“I think it’s hard because it’s almost like a change of lifestyle knowing now they have to refamiliarize themselves with the lifestyle of normal people, working in other jobs and learning to provide for themselves,” junior Cleo Zhang said.
Students can volunteer to help with the mission of assisting the veterans. Citizens that want to help repay their troops can donate to G.I. Go to support the veterans. Companies can become sponsors for the organization by being committed to help out with the organization. Some are Foodtown, NJIT, Tiffany & Co., Thomas Edison State College, Rider University, and many more.
“Jeans for Troops can benefit people other than the veterans themselves because you know that you’re helping others, and it gives you the comfort of helping others in need,” junior Amina Chowdhury said.
For our school, students and teachers can also help by going to our G.I. Go Fund page to donate. By donating, students and/or teachers get a program sticker and wear jeans to school/work to support this cause.
“WJPS will come through with flying colors!” IEP teacher Mr. Nisonoff said.
The school’s overall goal is to achieve $1,000. With that goal, veterans can get employed and return back to their civilized lives.