The benefits of AirPods are much better than the benefits of AirPod Pros. This is because AirPod Pros have noise cancellation which is unsafe for many teenagers.
Having noise cancellation distracts you from your surroundings. For example, crossing the street with noise cancellation and loud music may prevent you from hearing a speeding car or a car running a red light.
Having normal AirPods lets you hear people speaking to you even if you’re listening to music and you are able to hear your surroundings as well.
Another benefit of AirPods are that they are a better fit for your ears and are more comfortable, while AirPod Pros are bigger and more uncomfortable. AirPod Pros come with customizable ear tips, but many people don’t find that appealing.
WJPS 11th grader Mark Miller said, “AirPod Pros are just better, they tune out the noise and it is just too loud in New York for me.”
WJPS Technology specialist Mr. Myrtil said, “I think that the normal AirPods are better because I can actually hear people and plus having AirPod Pros are very unsafe for various reasons.”
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