WJPS having class rabbits would be very beneficial for the school for many reasons. 11th graders are going through their most stressful year in high school and it’s hard to be consistent with an abundance of work.
Teens are at high risk, and, including environmental factors, they’re subject to depression and anxiety, plus, school doesn’t help either.
Having an animal brings excitement and positive energy to a class defined as “boring.” Class pets help students relax, and that can lead to more attentive and less burnt out students.
It helps the pets by keeping them out of shelters and off streets, and instead getting taken care of by many friendly faces. The benefits of getting a class pet easily outweighs the negatives.
WJPS eighth grader Justin Nunez said, “I think having a class bunny would be fun for the school. It would keep me up in some classes so it would just be cool to have it during a class like English.”
WJPS dean Ms.McCloskey said, “I think having a class pet would be a great idea. It’s important for kids to take care of things, having a checklist of what to do and making sure the pet is getting taken care of.”
“Cute bunny rabbit” by Kristoffer Trolle is licensed under CC BY 2.0.