Five students from The Raul Brazil School in Sao Paulo, Brazil were murdered in a school shooting. On Thursday March 7th, two assailants, both former students allegedlybroke into the school and opened fire. Along with the five students, the assailants also shot two employees of the school and the owner of a nearby car rental.
Police identified the two shooters as Luiz Henrique de Castro and Guilherme Taucci Monterio. Both shooters, who enrolled in the school last year, killed themselves after the shooting. Investigators are still trying to find motives to explain why the two perpetrators did the attack.
Police says the students killed were all around the age of 15 and on a snack break when the shooting happened. Security noticed the two teenagers when they arrived to the front gate of the public school. The guards were reportedly not suspicious of the shooters because they attended the school just a few months before the shooting.