by Sofia Khan, news and copy editor

Many students don’t get the best of grades when taking the regents in June. Maybe it’s because they didn’t study, had a bad day, or they just didn’t pay attention in class that year. However, retake regents are offered in January for those very reasons.
“I’m retaking the geometry regents because I failed last year,” sophomore Alyssa Kang said. “I’m glad I have a chance to retake them.”
Students need a certain amount of regents to obtain a regents diploma to graduate high school. For a regular regents diploma, students need to score a 65 or higher on comprehensive English, mathematics, global history, US history and government, and any science, such as earth science, living environment, chemistry, or physics.
Regents week lasts from the 27th to the 30th. Students should speak to guidance counselor Mr. Lumetta if they wish to re-take a test. A link to the Janurary 2014 regents schedule can be found here.
“Students have to see Ms Cressy in the college suite to schedule it,” Mr Lumetta said. “They should ask by the end of the week.”