by Judah Munoz, technology editor
Many people believe that either the future of gaming is in virtual reality, or that games have achieved their peak potential, and attempts and changing the formula will inevitably fail. Nintendo has voiced a third opinion: cardboard.
Many fans were shocked at the reveal of Nintendo Labo, a plan to sell certain games for the Nintendo Switch along with cardboard, making a physical controller. The consumers will have to fold the cardboard into the correct shape, and then will be able to play. At the moment there are two games revealed. These cardboard box controllers can be seen as a continuation of the motion-contol trend that caused the Wii to be a success, or as a Nintendo twist on the newer virtual reality market.
The science behind this is fairly simple. All the moving parts are hooked up to some type of reflective tape. The Infrared Camera of the right Joy-Con reads the reflected light, and creates the appropriate reactions on screen.
The first is the Variety Kit. This is more of an introduction to the capabilities, and includes a piano, a sort of remote control bug, a fishing rod, a motorcycle, and a house. Each functions as a seperate game, with multiple features.
The second is the Robot Kit. It has a full cardboard bodysuit, and allows you to control the robot by moving your body, stomping to stomp, punching to punch, fairly basic. There is an arcade mode, a mission mode, a multiplayer mode, and various customization settings.
Some consumers are more skeptical, such as Senior Kiante Singleton, who said, “I think it’s not interesting because it doesn’t seem like there can be much depth to the games.”
Both are set to launch on April 20th, 2018. The Variety Kit is $69.99, and the Robot Kit is $79.99. This is another of the potential issues fans have with Nintendo Labo. A full-sized game for the Nintendo Switch is on average $60, and these are priced far over. With games that seem as if on their own could cost $30, many fans are left wondering why they are expected to spend $50 on cardboard.
Junior Michael Benjamin commented, “You can probably have about $70 worth of fun with it. But it’s nothing completely replayable, it can only be used once.”
Although the introductory video showed off many creations that have not yet been addressed, it is currently unknown as to what other Nintendo Labo products are planned to be released.