by Leah Toledo, contributing reporter
It is now December. That means Career Day is soon approaching at the school.
According to Mr. Nisonoff, Career Day is a success because of the interaction between the parents, students, and volunteers working together for this event.
“I love Career Day because it shows our students that all the skills that they are learning now have a purpose,” Career Day adviser Mr. Nisonoff said.
The school’s student ambassadors and government have been working to get doctors, police officers, firefighters and people in other professions to come and speak to the students. Some students use Career Day as an opportunity to see all the different career choices and a start to finding out what they want to do.
“This event keep students open to new fields and exposes them to new opportunities,” high school student ambassador vice president Medina Surajpal said.
Career Day is also utilized by students to find possible internship experience for the career path they want to go.