by Melissa Chen, fact checker
After scientists from the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) tested New York City’s water hundreds of times a day, they have
found that NYC is one of the cities to have the “cleanest and best-tasting drinking water”.
“It is said that the water in NYC is filtered to remove potential parasites and pathogens through pipes as well as according to my own perspective that I believe the water in NYC tastes pure and looks clear,” senior Elena Szymkiewicz said.
More than 47,000 samples of water were collected each year from NYC’s reservoir systems. Water samples were then delivered to labs and analyzed.
“I am proud to present this report to 8.5 million New Yorkers who rely on DEP to deliver safe, clean, high-quality drinking water every day,” commissioner Emily Lloyd said.
More information about NYC’s 2015 drinking water supply and quality report can be found here.