by Michael Keane, staff reporter
Forty years… for nearly 40 years, loyal followers of Star Wars have waited for a chance to sink their teeth into another installment of one of the biggest movie franchises of all time (There was the prequels, but let’s not discuss the prequels). Episode 7 had very high expectations, creating a movie that could satisfy fans both old and new certainly wouldn’t be easy. But despite the odds, it has become one of the most successful movies of all time, and it is certainly deserving.
(Major spoiler warning)
The first and most important part to cover is the cast. Star Wars has always been remembered for its loveable characters. Han Solo’s changing from a cold hearted criminal, to a kind friend of Luke, the development of his romantic relationship with Leia, Luke’s discovery and mastery of the force, and Leia having to overcome the destruction of her homeworld. All of these things were important to our understanding of the characters and the longevity of the original trilogy.
“Episode 7 had a lot to live up to when it came to their characters. Creating ones that were enjoyable and not just copies of the original group must have been difficult, and what we got was an incredibly entertaining cast to experience this adventure alongside,” junior Jonathan Baffo said.
Episode 7 exceeded in character development. Poe Dameron (AKA Not Han Solo) was an underused but still charming character. He didn’t do much, but he was still amazing.
Another important character was Rey, a scavenger on the desert planet of Jakku with a past shrouded in mystery. While there is no main character of the movie, it’s becoming increasingly clear that she will be the one to defeat the First Order.
My favorite character, however, was Finn, who was taken from birth and trained to serve as a stormtrooper in the army of the First Order. It was incredibly interesting to see him reject his only way of life and join the rest of the main characters in their adventure. He brings a lot of humanity to the faceless drones that the stormtroopers used to be.
The development that was given to the main villain, Kylo Ren (AKA what Anakin should have been), is also very well done. It showed him as a person and not just a copy of Darth Vader. In fact, it is his aspiration to be more like Vader, and the obstacle that it represents, that makes him such a great character.
The other important topic is the story itself, which was enjoyable, but there is one major drawback. The story isn’t original. It’s just a prettier version of A New Hope, the first movie in the original trilogy.
“I thought Episode 7 was amazing, but it would have been better if i hadn’t seen that exact story done already,” junior Daniel Daugherty.
Despite that slight inconvenience, the film exceeded all possible expectations and absolutely deserves a spot as one of the best movies of all time.