by Anthony Chianese, staff reporter
2016 Republican Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump has made multiple controversial statements, but still holds the lead at approximately 30 points in the polls with some having him at 40. By many Trump is considered a racist, nazi, and an Islamophobe. Trump has been denying these claims, and nothing seems to be taking him down or ruining his reputation. He’s still on top with millions of people that rooting for him, but it seems like people either love or hate him exclusively.
After the recent December 15th Republican debate Trump still maintains his lead, even after facing attacks from Bush on his policy to ban all Muslims from entering the US until the ISIS problem is under control.
Trump has huge stands on US-China trade reforms, Veteran Affairs, Tax Reforms, Second Amendment Rights, and Immigration Reforms. Politicians in Washington do nothing to help out veterans who are dying in the thousands waiting for healthcare, in the corrupt Veterans Administration (VA) system. Trump is also protecting the United States citizens rights, plus building a stronger trade with China in our favor. Trump wants to bring the jobs overseas back to the US, so the people here can work instead of the people of China, and other countries.
One of the biggest, most controversial reforms Trump promised was building a wall on our southern border and making Mexico pay for it, which is a good idea. If a nation doesn’t have any secure borders, it really isn’t a nation. Trump also wants stronger laws on immigration, and for the United States to protect it’s own citizens first, rather than appeasing the immigrants. America needs to help our own homeless people, our own veterans, our own starving kids, we can’t always help every other country, we can’t even help ourselves.
When Trump becomes President he should refuse the $400,000 salary, because he’s already a Billionaire and it’s like nothing to him. He should donate it all to the Wounded Warrior Project or somehow find a way to put it back into government circulation. Trump is a people person, he’s not bought by lobbyists, he doesn’t need their money- he has his own. I do believe Trump just wants to make America great again, and the only way to do that is: not be a politician, not to be bought, you don’t always have to be politically correct, and to take care of U.S. citizens and veterans.
Trump would make a great President, he has great leadership skills, if he could run a business he can surely run a country, Trump really is the only one that can bring the United States back up again;he’s the only one that sees the real problems, he’ll go against what all politicians say in favor of the majority of citizens. He speaks his mind. When other politicians say that he’s “Bullying his way to President” or a being a “jerk,” they’re just trying to take him down, they want his supporters to go against him and come to them, but they won’t, because they know he speaks the truth. The only people that seem to oppose Trump are probably, an illegal alien, a radical Islamist, oppose the 2nd Amendment, or a liberal that doesn’t want to make America great again.