by Christina Aurigemma, staff reporter
There is a lot of controversy about the upcoming talent show, which will be held Wednesday, December 16, at 6:30 at night, for 10 dollars per ticket. Students are disappointed that it won’t be held during the day, as it has been since its inception.
“I think that having the talent show at night would be decent if we were doing it for a long time but since it’s the first year we are having it at night I don’t think a lot of people are going to show up because everyone is used to it being during the school day and now it’s going to be 10 dollars when in the past we would do it for free in the auditorium,” junior Amanda Goldberg said.
“I don’t think the talent show should be at night, I think it should be during school because it’s been a tradition for many years and everyone looks for it right before break, and I don’t think a lot of people are going to go at night because they have to pay money to get in and it is going to turn away a lot of people. The tradition of us having it during the day should be kept,” junior Melanie Dobuler said.
The talent show shouldn’t be held at night because ever since WJPS started doing talent shows, they were always held during the day so everyone in the school could see it. It’s a tradition for the talent show to be taken place during the school day. It is more convenient because all staff and students would be there to support one another.
“I feel it being at night it’s a lot harder for both students and parent to attend and I won’t have a lot of my friends there to support me. I just asked my friends today if they could come to support me while I perform and most of them told me they couldn’t attend that night. It would be easier if it was during the day because my friends would be there but it’s also good at night because I would have my family there to support me and if I wasn’t performing in the talent show I know I wouldn’t want to drop everything I do after school to attend a talent show that we also need to be 10 dollars for,” sophomore Skylar Klees said.
Although most students feel that the night performance is a bad idea for school morale and the show itself, some say it’s a good idea to try a night show.
“I think it’s a good idea that it’s at night because it’s something different and we are not taking away from school time and plus it’s a way for the school to make money and put towards things and it’s also a way for more parents to take part and watch their kids perform,” junior Elena Szymkiewicz said.
Despite the argument that losing academic time is a bad thing, school isn’t only about learning in a classroom. There is a lot to be said for time spent bonding as a community and this special tradition was just that.