by Nicole Yu, staff reporter
Many stores are having sales for Black Friday, November 27th, which is the day after Thanksgiving.
Stores like Walmart, Target, Best Buy, and many other stores are all ready for this upcoming day. Soon, they’ll have sales ready that customers will rush for. Many people are already waiting outside the stores long before it opens to be one of the first to buy all of the things that are on sale.
“Black Friday affects the stores in a good way because good sales generate good business,” junior Sophie Chianese said.
Shopping on Black Friday can be chaotic, but a lot of people don’t care. On Black Friday, stores usually sell Christmas stuff and since it’s still a while before Christmas, many things are cheaper.
After Black Friday, the following Monday is Cyber Monday. It’s a day where online retailers promote bargains. Cyber Monday is similar to Black Friday except for the fact that it sells things online.
“Black Friday is the day where the stores can sell their extra products. They make money but for less than what they could’ve made,” senior Maryann Liu said.
Some stores are beginning to open on Thanksgiving day to get more customers, but others are deciding to stay closed so workers can spend time with their families. A few stores that won’t be open during Thanksgiving and Black Friday are Costco, Nordstrom, Staples, T.J.Maxx and BJs.
Both days are known by most people because of the sales they have, but Black Friday is more popular because the bigger stores that are more popular to adults and children than online retailers. With the sales, more stores become known better to customers and they get more business.