by Marianna Brogna, staff reporter

Secaucus, New Jersey has been invaded by the stars of the hit CW show, Supernatural, for its 10 year anniversary. This convention gave local fans the opportunity to meet the actors as well as interact with other viewers who share common interests..
The majority of this convention mostly included panels, photo ops, and autographs, all according to a printed schedule. This schedule contained a designated time slot for each actor with their own panel, autograph, and photo op sessions for at most an hour. The start and finish of each one was very precise and on time. With contribution to one of the actor’s bands, their panel would be signaled to finish with the members appearing back onstage.
The staff and employees also had a lot of patience, especially since there were a bunch of screaming teenage girls. They were also very informative and their answers to questions were laconic. The staff knew exactly where everything was and they did everything in their power to make sure the patrons enjoyed their participation in the event. Their patience may have gotten a little frazzled with aggravation toward the end of the last day of the weekend because people were growing persistent to wrap up the emotionally draining experience with sneaking pictures and bargaining with the employees running the vendors area.
Now onto the main attraction; the actors. The stars put aside their glamorous lifestyle to lay back and chat with their fans, whether it was during their panel or in the exposition hall. As busy as the convention was with bustling fans, the actors kept their patience as best as they could, and many would agree that they succeeded. They made fans feel welcome, by making them feel like individuals and as if they were their friends. They had genuine conversations with fans and kept themselves engaged by making connections with the audience and other actors on stage.
“Going to the Supernatural convention was a dream come true. I got to meet my idol Misha Collins. It was all so amazing and surreal.”. 16 year old Kailey Boysk said. Mckayla Steffens, 16, also gave a statement about how she felt; “Overall, I think it was a blast. It was very interactive, and I managed to meet Jensen and Jared 3 times. How lucky!” 16 year old from Kailey Boysk said.
Conventions are truly an experience worth having, and there’s a convention for every fandom out there, somewhere.