The 2024/2025 school year is having its last day of the term on January 17th. It is the last school day before the start of Regents week. All grades from teachers must go in before the term ends so report cards can be sent out.
Term One is important for 12th graders as these are the grades that colleges will be seeing in addition to the previous three years of high school.
WJPS 12th grader John Mihalios said, “Now that the term is about to end, I need to get all of my missing work in to get some of my credit back.”
WJPS teacher Mr. Mengani said, “The term ending is not stressful for us teachers, but it is very stressful for the students that haven’t been doing what they should have been.”
The second term begins on Tuesday, January 28th, however the next day there is no school. This is due to the celebration of Lunar New Year.
Photo by Amy Lopez