Post Trauma, a horror survival game created by Red Soul Games, is set in a decaying world and is centered around a protagonist who is stuck in a reality full of creatures, unsettling environments, and strange puzzles.
The game focuses on environmental storytelling and the protagonist’s mental state unraveling more and more as the story progresses. Players navigate through a world that constantly shifts, challenging their perceptions of reality.
Post Trauma is a mix of exploration, fighting, and solving puzzles. Resources are limited so players have to make choices and be wise about what they use as they face monsters throughout the game.
Post Trauma was released on October 27th of this year and is available on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Series S.
WJPS 12th grader Durriyah Dean said, “Survival and psychological horror games are my favorite, I would play Post Trauma if I got the chance.”
WJPS 12th grader Adam Shalaby shared, “I’ve kinda always been a fan of horror games ever since I played Silent Hill. I would play Post Trauma.”