Why does WJPS not have that many field trips? Shouldn’t students be able to explore more?
Students should be able to take a look at more places with our peers.
WJPS has offered several opportunities to go to Broadway shows. However, students deserve to go on more outgoing trips besides watching a play.
WJPS 11th grader Emma Oliveras said, “Having more field trips in school would be much better for me personally because I would get to have fun with my friends and learn visually.”
WJPS 10th grader Jayden Cervantes said, “I would love for the school to have more field trips. It would be more fun and a reason for me to come to school more often.”
Field trips provide students with opportunities to learn outside the classroom. It allows them to see real world applications of what they are studying.
Traveling in a group encourages teamwork, social interaction, and bonding among students which can help with social development.
Field trips are also a source of motivation making learning more fun and engaging.
These trips can create lasting memories that students will cherish while fostering a positive attitude toward education.
“Sage-grouse Viewing Field Trip” by BLM Oregon & Washington is licensed under CC BY 2.0.