This action-comedy movie starts up with Nick and Audrey Spitz, who have made significant progress since cracking their first mystery in Murder Mystery four years prior.
Despite their past achievement, the married duo are having trouble starting their own private investigation firm until their buddy Maharaja’s was kidnapped.
The couple took on the investigation and risked the high-stakes conundrum since they have this opportunity to fully realize their passion of solving mysteries.
This is a sequel to the Murder Mystery that came out in 2019, with the same two leading roles Nick Spitz played by Adam Sandler, and Audrey Spitz played by Jennifer Aniston.
The rest of the cast Adeel Akhtar playing Maharajah, Mark Strong playing Miller, John Kani playing Colonel Ulenga, and Tony Goldwyn as Silverfox.
WJPS junior, Isabella Perez said, “I saw the first Murder Mystery when it came out, it was really good. And I am very excited to see the new one. So I will be watching it.”
WJPS junior Valentina Londono stated, “I have heard of Murder Mystery before but never cared to watch it. I know about Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston. I’ve seen some of their movies before. It seems like a fun movie to watch.”